Over the previous week, I setup a Trello for ongoing project management. Broken the level down into its summary parts:
+ The Atrium (Entrance hall with East/West mirror rooms)
+ Pyramid Oasis (Central canyon with the pyramid, lake and pathways)
+ Eye of Ra (The Western Puzzle Room)
+ Eye of Horus (The Eastern Puzzle Room)
+ The Door of Life (Northern Exit, based on the Ankh symbol)
Unreal Project Progress
I preceded to grey-box the Atrium rooms using Unreal's geometry tools, some screenshots of this process shown below. The grey-box includes base pedastals for where the mirrors and crystal-obelisk will sit.
Ongoing Design Work
Alongside the project work in the Unreal engine, I also set about creating several environment concepts for the various artwork assets I will need to construct as centrepieces, interactive objects or general clutter for the temple scenario.
Atrium Mirror Concept Art
Additional Puzzle Asset Concepts
Environment Concept Art